Khruschevs in Hollywood

Khruschevs in Hollywood
Khrushchevs amid Hollywood charm in 1959

20 April 2012

Program for the conference

   Updated conference program from May 28 is now available. Program structure can be found below:


Thu 14 June          

Fri 15 June

Sat 16 June
Registration and coffee
S-building, 2nd floor
Panels B1 – B3 
(F106, F205, S204)
Panels C1 – C2
(F106, F205, S204)
Opening & Welcome
Panels A1 – A3
(F106, F205, S204)
Panels B4 – B6
(F106, F205, S204)
Panels C3 – C5
(F106, F205, S204)
Lunch break

Lunch break
Lunch break
Panels A4 – A6
(F106, F205, S204)
Keynote: Aili Aarelaid-Tart S212
Panels C6 – C8
(F106, F205, S204)

Keynote: Susan E Reid
S212 (Old Assembly Hall)
Panels B7 – B9
(F106, F205, S204)
Roundtable: Soviet-Finnish  scholarly exchanges S212

9:00               Registration opens at S-building (main campus), Seminaarinkatu 15. Second floor.
Coffee and chance to meet people.

10:00             Opening and the Welcome Address (S212, S-building)
Rector of the University of Jyväskylä, Aino Sallinen
                      Practical info
10:45-12:45   Panels A1, A2, A3 (rooms F106, F205, S204 in adjacent buildings, to be confirmed)

A1 Tourism and transfers of people
Chair: Simo Mikkonen
Discussant: Alexey Golubev
Kochetkova, Elena              Soviet Tourists in Finland in the 1950s – 1980s: Historical Anthropological Approach
Kozovoi, Andrei                   “They want pelmeni.” Food politics in the Komsomol travel agency “Sputnik,” 1958-1965
Pagel, Oliver                       Politicized tourism between Finland and Estonian SSR, 1950s to 1970s
Popov, Alexei                      A Small Soviet Tourist in a Big World: Mission, Illusions, Discoveries
A2 Cultural Diplomacy I  
Chair: Anna Bischof
Discussant: Annika Frieberg
Grossman, Sonja                 Soviet Friendship Societies in Western Europe – a Challenge for Diplomacy
Badalassi, Nicolas               France, the USSR, and the cultural aspects of the CSCE, 1969-1975
Gatejel, Luminita-Elena     Like a Phoenix from the Ashes? Western Humanitarian Aid in Romania after the Earthquake 1977
Ahonen, Kirsi                       Town twinning in the Cold War world: Finland and two Germanies

A3 Language, Linguistics and Cultural Exchanges
Chair: Tiina-Riitta Lappi
Discussant: Mika Lähteenmäki
Ivleva, Krasimira                Translation as cultural exchange during the Cold War: The case of Paul Eluard’s political poetry translations in socialist Bulgaria
Sherry, Samantha               Soviet Translators as Intercultural Agents
Kazmierczak, Janusz           The University of Iowa International Writing Program as a Vehicle of East-West Cultural Exchange
Shaw, Claire                       Cold War in the Deaf Community: International Relations and Soviet Deaf Identity, 1955-1980
12:45-14:00                  Lunch Break
14-16:00                       Panels A4, A5, A6 (F106, F205, S204)
A4 VOKS, and Stalin era relations with the West
Chair: Meri Herrala
Discussant: Danielle Fosler-Lussier
Fairclough, Pauline             From Détente to Cold War: Anglo-Soviet Musical Exchanges in the Late Stalin Period
Johnson, Oliver                   Mutually Assured Distinction: VOKS and Artistic Exchange in the Early Cold War
Safronov, Peter                   Teaching West, teaching East: cultural exchange as an educational practice
Orlov, Vladimir                   Prokofiev and Anti-American propaganda: Oratorio On Guard for Peace

A5 Limits for Cultural Exchanges
Chair: Matti Roitto
Discussant: Suvi Kansikas
Humbert, Laure                  Ideal immigrants or unwanted fascists? - French debates over the recruitment of Displaced Persons in post-war Germany, 1945-1950
Rahi-Tamm, Aigi                When travel became a crime: conflicts between open and closed societies on the example of Soviet Estonia in 1940-1953
Welker, Árpád                    The Christian Peace Conference as a tool of Cold War international politics

A6 Consumption and design
Chair: Nikita Balagurov
Discussant: Sampsa Kaataja
Rasmussen, Svetlana          "Importnoe" and "Sovetskoe:" Emerging Taste for Foreign Consumer Products in the Soviet Union, 1965-1972
Karpova, Yulia                    Beyond Commodity Fetishism: Soviet and Western Designers in a Dialogue
Kozlov, Dmitry                    The Role of Sailors in the Cultural Exchange. Case of Archangelsk

16:15-18:00                         Keynote lecture: Susan E Reid (title tba)
Evening reception            


9-10:30                               Panels B1, B2, B3                                           

B1 Cultural Diplomacy III
Chair: Elena-Luminita Gatejel
Discussant: Zsuzsanna Varga
Rolandi, Francesca             Italy and Yugoslavia as filters across Cold War boundaries
Stanciu, Cezar                     Cultural Instruments in the Politics of Autonomy
Mazurska, Joanna               Against the Tides of the Cold War: Czesław Miłosz’s Cultural Diplomacy in the USA
B2 Baltic perspective
Chair: Saila Leukumaa
Discussant: Karsten Brüggemann          
Januzyte, Audrone              The underground political and cultural interaction between Soviet Lithuania and Western European Countries in 1944–1990
Zalkans, Lilita                     Latvian Émigrés and the Voice from Strange Lands
Juurvee, Ivo                        Reflection of the West in Soviet Cinema: Case Study of KGB Propaganda Movie White Boat (Tallinnfilm, 1970)

B3 Cultural Identities Beyond East-West Division
Chair: Kaisa Nissi
Discussant: Tony Swift
Matyska, Anna                    Transnational spaces of the Cold War: Poland and Finland unbound
Hazanov, Alexander           Transnational Connections and the Soviet Jewish National Movement, 1960-1985
Stupar, Alexandra               The Role of Architecture in the Cold War Interactions: Transmitter, Connector or a Delusive Stage?
10:45-12:45   Panels B4, B5, B6
B4 Youth and Students   
Chair & Discussant: Pia Koivunen
Scutaru, Beatrice                Studying in France during the Cold War: the Romanian presence in France in the 1960’s
Skalova, Barbora                Friendship through the Curtain
Vreekamp, Henk                 The Kula-Ring of Student Exchanges in the sixties
Metger, Julia                       Foreign Correspondents during the Cold War, Moscow 1964-82

B5 Art and motivations behind exchanges             
Chair: Stéphanie Gonçalves
Discussant: Pauline Fairclough
Ansari, Emily                      Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Moscow: Cultural Television, Diplomacy, and the Politics of Tonal Music
Fosler-Lussier, Danielle      The Diplomatic Record: William Strickland's Recordings of American Music in Japan and Poland
Koppes, Clayton                  The Cleveland Orchestra Tours the Eastern Block, 1965
Herrala, Meri                     David Oistrakh and Sviatoslav Richter as Soviet cultural diplomats in Finland and the United States

B6 Presenting the West in the East
Chair: Antero Holmila
Discussant: Marianne Rostgaard
Bischof, Anna                      The Cultural Cold War on the Airwaves - Radio Free Europe (RFE) and the Exercise of Cultural Influence in East Central Europe
Rasmussen, Chris               The Limits of Amerika: A Case Study of an Official Cold War Cultural Exchange, 1953-65
Davies, Sarah                      Britain and the Cultural Cold War: Selling Anglia to the Soviets, 1962-1992
Pasztor, Maria                    Across the Iron Curtain: Polish-French Relations 1945-1989

14-15:45                             Keynote lecture: Aili Aarelaid-Tart

16-18:00                              Panels B7, B8, B9

B7 Art and Intellectual Exchanges       
Chair: Pekka Suutari          
Discussant: Tim Scholl
Popa, Ioana                         The circulation of books and individuals across the Iron Curtain: practices of the “Fondation pour une entraide intellectuelle européenne”
Chunikhin, Kirill                  The Reception of American Abstract Expressionism in Soviet Art-criticism during the Cold War
Balagurov, Nikita                William Turner: Between Two Ideologies

B8 Scientific Exchanges I
Chair: Tuomas Laine-Frigren
Discussant: Riikka Nisonen
Geltzer, Anna                      In the kingdom of crooked mirrors: Soviet-American healthcare exchanges, 1956-1977
Krymskaya, Albina              American participants of Soviet-American scholarly and educational exchanges at Leningrad State University
Kaataja, Sampsa                 Computing communities crossing the dividing line – Information exchange between the Estonian and Finnish computer scientists 1960–2000
Marks, Sarah                      From Western Pseudoscience to the Science of the Socialist Future: The Fortunes of Cybernetics in Cold War Czechoslovakia

B9 Popular media and Publicity
Chair: Lilita Zalkans
Discussant: Peter Safronov
Fidelis, Malgorzata             A Window to the World: Popular Magazines and Western Culture in Poland, 1950s-1960s
Zeller, Manfred                  Frozen Fandom. Fanatical Youth Culture, Figures of Authority, and the Catastrophe in Moscow’s Lenin Stadium in 1982
Kokkonen, Jouko                 Sports as a part of the Cultural Exchange during the Cold War Era – case: the Olympic Games in Helsinki 1952



9-10:30                               Panels C1, C2

C1 Personal vs. the public experience
Chair: Simo Mikkonen       
Discussant: Andrei Kozovoi
Riska-Campbell, Leena       American Multilateral Bridge Building as a Challenge for European 
Institutional Integration during the 1960s and Early 1970s
Golubev, Alexey                  Let Them See: Self-Representation of the Soviet Project under the Western Gaze
Scott-Smith, Giles               Opening Up Political Space: Private Diplomacy, East-West Exchanges and the Helsinki Process

C2 Stage arts
Chair: Emily Ansari
Discussant: Clayton Koppes
Scholl, Tim                          Media Relations: The Oberlin College Choir Tour of the Soviet Union and Romania, 1964
Gonçalves, Stéphanie         Dance as a tool for cultural diplomacy in the Cold War
Costanzo, Susan                  Parting the Curtain: Eastern European theater festivals 1965-1975

10:45-12:45                        Panels C3, C4, C5

C3 Western Communism, Anti-Communism, and cultural exchanges
Chair & Discussant: Anssi Halmesvirta
Smidrkal, Vaclav                 Contemporary Western culture as an ideological and administrative problem in early communist Czechoslovakia
Scheibner, Tamas               Western Marxists and Literary Canonization in the East - The Case of Ernst Fischer
Colombo, Duccio                Gianni Rodari and Tamara Lisitsian: Western Communist Parties as Vehicles of Cultural Encounter

C4 Cultural Diplomacy II
Chair: Timo Vilen
Discussant: Giles Scott-Smith
Rostgaard, Marianne         East-West cultural exchanges and the perforation of the iron curtain
Wenell, Olov                       Cultural contacts between Sweden and the Soviet Union 1950-1975
Gillabert, Matthieu            The Cultural Diplomacy of Switzerland and the Challenge of Peaceful Coexistence
Swift, Tony                          Competing with Capitalism: The Soviet Union at Expo 58 in Brussels

C5 Radio and Television
Chair: Claire Shaw
Discussant: Susan Costanzo
Frieberg, Annika                 ’Are We Revanchists?’ West German TV Documentaries and Polish-German Relations, 1958-1969
Lundgren, Lars                    Transnational broadcasting and East-West relations: OIRT, EBU and Gagarins return to Moscow
Mustata, Dana                    Television beyond the Nation: Production and Reception in Communist Romania
Pajala, Mari                        Intervision song contests and Finnish television between East and West

12:45-14:00                       Lunch                                 

14:00-15:45                        Panels C6, C7, C8

C6 Personal vs. the public experience II
Chair: Alexandra Stupar
Discussant: Melanie Ilic
Kadnikova, Anna                 The Women's International Democratic Federation World Congress of Women, Moscow, 1963  Women’s Rights and Soviet Public Diplomacy
Rupprecht, Tobias              Soviet internationalism after Stalin – from a Latin American perspective
Gilburd, Elenory                 The Tower of Babel
Koivunen, Pia                      The World Youth Festival in Soviet Cultural Interaction, 1945-1957

C7 Beyond the East-West axis?
Chair: Sanna Tawah
Discussant: Pekka Suutari
Sutton, Christopher            Preserving ‘the democratic way of life in the Far East’: British education policies in Southeast Asia, 1949-1957
Wishon, Jeremiah               Reorienting Khrushchev’s Cold War: Soviet Cultural Diplomacy and India, 1948-1964
Popescu, Monica                East, West, and South: Alex La Guma’s Travels and the Global Cold War
C8 Scientific Exchanges II
Chair: Anna Geltzer
Discussant: Sari Autio-Sarasmo
Vilen, Timo                         Russian and East European Studies in Western Europe during the Cold War – Patterns, Problems, and Prospects
Halmesvirta, Anssi              Political Preconditions for Finnish-Hungarian Co-operation in Research and Development in the 1960s-1970s
Varga, Zsuzsanna               Network-Building Across the Iron Curtain - A case study of the Hungarian agricultural science in the 1950–1960s
Henderson, Jane                 Talking Across the Fence: Cold War Academic Cooperation in the Legal Sphere

16-18:00                             Roundtable session: Soviet-Finnish scholarly exchanges in practice: first-
                                             hand accounts, and retrospective examination.
Marju Lauristin (Tartu),
                                             Peeter Vihalemm (Tartu), Kaarle Nordenstreng (Tampere)

Lakeside cruise

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